Fireplace grates with built-in andirons


There was a time when a pair of andirons was all that was used to hold logs in a fireplace. Then fireplace grates were invented which held logs much more securely. But andirons remained as a classic design element in the fireplace even though they no longer have a practical use. Modern andirons were introduced that simply sit in front of the fire without having any log-holding ability. And antique andirons are sometimes slid beneath or next to contemporary fireplace grates. Both solutions create extra hardware in the fireplace that can get in the way fire-building.


There’s a much better solution: andirons that perform a real function and are built right into the grate. Only the Texas Fireframe grate has such a feature. These unique fireplace grates were designed to put the laws of physics to work in the fireplace to create more heat. (Time magazine called it “The Physicist’s Fire.”) The feature that differentiates these fireplace grates from all others is a pair adjustable arms that opens up the hottest part of the fire to the room.

These arms slide up and down on a pair of uprights that easily convert to andirons, with the simple addition of a finial on top and an andiron base on the bottom. The finials come in three styles: mission, tudor and the classic ball which can be added to any size grate. The upright slides right through the foot, which is secured in place with a set screw – as are the finials.

The result is two beautiful andirons which are incorporated into the design of the grate – no extraneous pieces of metal sitting in the fireplace. The finials that go on top are available in three styles, and any of them can be paired with the “andiron base.” Our fireplace grates come in four sizes and two weights, and every single one of them can accommodate the finials and feet that convert the two uprights into handsome andirons.

Our fireplace grates are made in the U.S.A. of hot-rolled steel, and every joint is triple-welded for strength. Of the many fireplace grates available, only one is documented in the scientific literature. Only one incorporates andirons into the design. And only one was designed by a physicist for greater heat and ease of use. The Texas Fireframe grate.

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