Standard Texas Fireframe grate with optional finials and feet – giving the uprights the look of stately andirons.
I’ll never forget the time my neighbor Mike, the fire-building expert, watched in disbelief when I built a better fire than he did. I loaded logs onto a brand new Texas Fireframe grate that I had just gifted to him and his wife for their outdoor fireplace. As I began arranging the logs on the log holder that was designed by a physicist for a hotter, easier fire, I could see Mike was initially not happy letting me take over. He had his method for arranging logs, and he barely tolerated this different kind of log holder being placed in his fireplace.
I put the logs in the proper arrangement, and his wife had to actually stop him from rearranging them! Mike remained skeptical until I lit the fire. I can understand how entrenched he was in his firemaking technique. But when the logs quickly erupted into a perfect Texas Fireframe fire with its row of even-burning flames, his face lit up. Mike the fire-building expert was duly impressed.
It’s quite remarkable how a simple log holder can change the way you build and enjoy a fire. As we watched the fire progress without any need for turning or poking the logs, Mike became even more enthusiastic about his new log holder, and he was effusive in his praise for it. He exclaimed over and over how great the fire was. The longer it burned, the more evident it was to him that this beautiful, hot fire barely needed any maintenance.
As the logs burned down a bit, I demonstrated how to keep the fire going by nudging back the front logs with a poker. This keeps all of the logs in contact. And when the logs eventually needed replacing, I showed him how easily that’s done.
As the daughter of the inventor of this scientifically-designed log holder, I’m always delighted to see people converted to the Texas Fireframe method of fire-building. My father said that of all his inventions and patents, he was proudest of the Texas Fireframe grate. A former physics professor, he loved talking to his customers on the phone, and a physics lesson was usually included in the call.
Whether you’re a fire-building expert like Mike, a fire-building novice, or you just want to get more heat out of your fireplace, the Texas Fireframe grate works a whole lot harder. So you don’t have to.